dec. 18 2022 @ 8:06 pm# 21
Kahlan out of context
“I think Reuben thinks more than Charlie does”
“Me and Reuben are the bestest of friends”
Uh. you’re dahn
“Uh. you’re donn”
“Ur dann”
“uh Ih’m daghnn”
“Uh-m, ur donn ”
In order from best to worst
“Oh my gawd there were so many cute kids at walmart the other day.”
“Hey look, it’s cocaine”
“It’s dead bodies Connor, it’s not that big of a deal”
“I asked if I could pay in cookies and he assaulted me”
“Crap bucket.”
“I want holly to be my mom.”
“Ur mom”
* points to David* “Mac.”
having a stroke and a seizure “omagdomagd omagd jtjtjttjautjtjtjujtjtjtujtutjt bsjisf is in the same class” hyperventilating
“Who do you want to be your mom”
“You’re doing a thing about me, get over here”
“I like the crap.”
“I never understand anything anymore”
Connor: “you never did”
“My mom thinks I have a tumour”
“She diagnosed herself with ADHD and Charlie”
“My back’s as loud as it allows it to be”
“My nana died so they had a bunch of trips”
“It’s a sport”
“I am determined to be your mom”
“Read fanfics about people”
“He needs to go follow someone around.”
“I know where you live”
“I’m kinda offended because I was there too”
“The sister vibe at night is strong”
“Who’s jo again?”
Jojobow compilation
“Find me a jojobow a jowjowbow a jojobow I want a jowjobow everyone wants a jojobow”
“joJOJjobOws JOJOBOOOOOOOOOWWWWS jojothebowbowjowjowbow”
“I’m buying jojowbowz connnnror I’m buying jojobowz”
“David do you want a jojobow, jowjowbow”
“Everyonewantsa jojobwo”
“Connor can you wear a jojojwbow david can you wear a jowwjowbow”
“I’m gonna wear a jowjowbow on monday”
“Connor do you want a JowJowbwow”
“We should all buy jowbjowbows if I buy a jowjojwbow will you wear it david”
“Jowjowwiththebowbow Jowjowwiththebowbow”
To be continued…
Link out of context
Connor: “I have online friend, I know all his friends, all his friends know me as his kid, he scams
people for money, his friends steal credit cards… it’s fun.”
“Ree hee hee ha”
JEffrey out of context
“I’m gonna be Jeff bezos”
“I’m gonna take machine guns and shoot the police in my house”
“Genocide on the joows”
“I identify as attack helicopter”
“I’m gonna take a gun and shoot you”
“Ya know if you were willing to eat dog food I’d be willing to kill my dog and replace him with you”
War veteran cries because some kids talked about kills in COD Jeffrey: Oh it’s so smiling saad laughing that’s depressing Me: then why are you smiling Jeffrey: smiles harder