notes & thought dump

  • sep. 16 2024 @ 2:56 pm# 76
    my mom came to wake up me up as i was dreaming that i was taking a shower, so i started screaming at her to get out (in real life)

  • may. 29 2024 @ 1:48 am# 75
    collectors badge

  • jan. 23 2024 @ 10:36 pm# 74
    literally eating shit for the past two hours

    -> i can't solve anything
    -> read the solutions
    -> me: "what tf do you need to be smoking to come up with that"
    -> they: "it's easy what"
    -> they: "just practice more"
    -> next question
    cycle repeats

  • jan. 23 2024 @ 10:31 pm# 73
    i don't know how everyone else does it

    consistently good math marks are like consistently hitting the 10k in skee ball

    they just have good gaming chairs ig

  • jan. 23 2024 @ 10:29 pm# 72
    i wonder how it'll feel to look back on this 10 years later

  • jan. 23 2024 @ 10:27 pm# 71
    just fucking shoot me i'll end up homeless at this rate anyways

    i'll just fail at everything and i'm already on track

  • jan. 23 2024 @ 10:09 pm# 70
    stress has turned me into an asshole

    + a few other insecurities

    fucking great

  • dec. 17 2023 @ 4:49 pm# 69
    what a fucking terrible day to have a pulse

  • nov. 3 2023 @ 10:48 pm# 68
    today was horrible
    so was the day before
    so was the day before
    so was the day before
    so was the day before
    so was the day before
    so was the day before
    so was the day before

  • sep. 9 2023 @ 6:03 pm# 67
    my pets are incests (dank memer)

  • sep. 5 2023 @ 4:14 pm# 66
    you don't know a language well enough until you've learned how to offend people with it

  • sep. 2 2023 @ 12:36 pm# 65
    severe public transit addiction

  • aug. 25 2023 @ 8:12 pm# 64
    dormant in the moment, and lost inside my head
    exploring in the torrent, and dreaming 'bout whatev

  • aug. 20 2023 @ 12:20 am# 63
    i had finally found the bathroom after wandering and searching for minutes

    and so there i sat. and shat.

  • aug. 11 2023 @ 10:20 pm# 62
    i need to take a shit real soon

    otherwise i'm going to anyways

  • aug. 9 2023 @ 12:59 am# 61
    how to eat cake
    1. stab with fork
    2. nom

  • jul. 12 2023 @ 9:27 pm# 60
    goddamn this guy reeks, both literally and metaphorically. of failure.

  • jul. 1 2023 @ 7:22 pm# 59
    it looks apocalyptic outside

  • jun. 28 2023 @ 7:17 pm# 58
    the carl bot poem
    written by me after getting banned twice by its faulty automod

    fuck brain
    ass pain
    won't help with anything

    hard r
    cripple fart
    lunk of code that fell apart

    cringe face
    no race
    codebase is out of place

    bolts loose
    fails to be of any use

    wham bam, false ban, hit it with a frying pan,
    so bland, can't hand stand, kick it out your servers man

    low blow


  • jun. 23 2023 @ 12:30 pm# 57
    all hail the coca cola freestyle machine

  • jun. 15 2023 @ 4:51 pm# 56
    jetlagged but i wasn’t on a jet

  • jun. 14 2023 @ 1:46 pm# 55
    solving in factored form
    on each of the buttcheeks, take the second number and negate it
    |        |
    x=6    x=9
    yes, buttcheeks ()()

  • may. 28 2023 @ 8:08 am# 54
    yes’ing a yes = yes
    yes’ing a no = yes
    no’ing a no = yes

  • may. 23 2023 @ 10:11 pm# 53
    sleeping at 10pm is early, but sleeping at 1am is even earlier

  • apr. 25 2023 @ 1:21 pm# 50
    specific details for each section of the first drop (1:02 -> 1:31)

    shot in third person, facing perpendicular to the street
    1:02 -> 1:04: a still frame of me in a walking position being cloned across the screen
    1:04 -> 1:07: taking one of those clones, removing the others, and moving it back and forth across the screen

    shot in first person, my pov
    1:07 -> 1:10: still the still frame moving back and forth down the street, but i'm holding the camera

    back to the perpendicular to the street shot
    1:10 -> 1:11: same thing as 1:02 -> 1:04 but with the actor instead of myself
    1:11 -> 1:13: remove every other frame and move the remaining clones back and forth, alternating the gaps between every other clone

    same shot as the previous, but on a different street
    1:13 -> 1:15: same as 1:02 -> 1:04 but on that different street

    1:15 -> 1:17: glitch effects

    perpendicular shot on ANOTHER street
    1:17 -> 1:18: same as 1:04 -> 1:07 but with the actor

    1:18 -> 1:20: various still shots of the actor in different locations, changing rapidly
    1:20 -> 1:21: glitch effects with the actor's head

  • apr. 24 2023 @ 9:58 am# 49
    need to figure out a way to do children (react.js)

  • apr. 24 2023 @ 12:23 am# 48

  • apr. 11 2023 @ 11:28 am# 47
    gdkid friends & co. milk farm and spermery

  • apr. 4 2023 @ 1:32 pm# 46
    clickity clackity ur balls i’m gonna smackity

  • mar. 31 2023 @ 11:33 am# 45
    "most of the time, i don’t sleep. the exception, is when it’s with someone"

  • mar. 30 2023 @ 4:37 pm# 44
    general presentation thing in case we're asked to come in to present

  • mar. 20 2023 @ 4:26 pm# 43
    luke wants a spootify playlist thing but im too socially awkward to talk to anyone about it atm
    - each person gets to add 3 songs
    - nothing absurdly explicit

  • mar. 13 2023 @ 8:46 pm# 42
    suck it like a lolipop
    just go in hard and never stop

  • mar. 1 2023 @ 9:33 am# 41
    so at my little raffle ticket lemonade stand thing tomorrow, i can put up my friend's tier list of random shit, and essentially the idea is that it'll look so unbelievably stupid and confusing that it'll attract the attention of like half the upper foyer and they'll give me their entire mom's credit cards

  • feb. 18 2023 @ 8:07 am# 40
    16 now ig

  • jan. 21 2023 @ 12:16 pm# 39
    procrastinating on my history summative is like a gunshot to the head. when i actually go to do it, it'll be quick, and over in an instant, but it'll spell absolute certain death for my history mark

  • jan. 15 2023 @ 2:28 pm# 38
    as time drags on, my remembering of this site's existence continues to diminish...

  • jan. 2 2023 @ 12:02 pm# 37
    wait holy shit it’s 2023

  • jan. 1 2023 @ 8:46 pm# 36
    Mount Tin is a pretty tinful mount

  • dec. 27 2022 @ 2:37 pm# 35
    ah shit

  • dec. 27 2022 @ 2:37 pm# 34
    wait i forgot to say merry christmas in here

  • dec. 24 2022 @ 6:59 pm# 33
    i walked halfway across my city

    a few reasons why you should walk halfway across your city:
    - allows you to assess your capability to walk halfway across your city
    - builds you a mental map used to navigate yourself halfway across your city
    - improves your self-confidence in being able to walk halfway across your city (provided you were able to successfully walk halfway across your city the first time you attempted walking halfway across your city)

  • dec. 21 2022 @ 3:28 pm# 32
    like say "i’ve got a child to take care of", then say "i’ve got a walmart to go to" and think about how strange it is

  • dec. 21 2022 @ 3:27 pm# 31
    the phrase "i’ve got a walmart to go to" in the context of you needing to go to walmart, sounds weird when said out loud

  • dec. 20 2022 @ 4:00 pm# 30
    Vey dedicated

  • dec. 20 2022 @ 4:00 pm# 29
    stepped in to fill a niche

  • dec. 20 2022 @ 4:00 pm# 28

  • dec. 20 2022 @ 4:00 pm# 27
    i am very intersign in the crucits and the field of electical engeiring and use to buld practical experience throguh robots with my feloow temmatss

  • dec. 20 2022 @ 4:00 pm# 26
    apply knowlefge of electrical ity and magnetism in the form of cirtciots on the robot which consist of compneney sich as motors and sensors

  • dec. 19 2022 @ 10:21 pm# 25
    the homepage is literally a floating penis

  • dec. 19 2022 @ 2:35 pm# 24
    zhenlong was here

  • dec. 19 2022 @ 11:40 am# 23
    you get high for points (doodle jump)

  • dec. 18 2022 @ 8:07 pm# 22
    i didnt write that last one what

  • dec. 18 2022 @ 8:06 pm# 21
    Kahlan out of context

    “I think Reuben thinks more than Charlie does”

    “Me and Reuben are the bestest of friends”

    Uh. you’re dahn
    “Uh. you’re donn”
    “Ur dann”
    “uh Ih’m daghnn”
    “Uh-m, ur donn ”

    In order from best to worst
    “Oh my gawd there were so many cute kids at walmart the other day.”

    “Hey look, it’s cocaine”

    “It’s dead bodies Connor, it’s not that big of a deal”

    “I asked if I could pay in cookies and he assaulted me”

    “Crap bucket.”

    “I want holly to be my mom.”

    “Ur mom”

    * points to David* “Mac.”

    having a stroke and a seizure “omagdomagd omagd jtjtjttjautjtjtjujtjtjtujtutjt bsjisf is in the same class” hyperventilating

    “Who do you want to be your mom”

    “You’re doing a thing about me, get over here”

    “I like the crap.”

    “I never understand anything anymore”
    Connor: “you never did”

    “My mom thinks I have a tumour”

    “She diagnosed herself with ADHD and Charlie”

    “My back’s as loud as it allows it to be”

    “My nana died so they had a bunch of trips”


    “It’s a sport”

    “I am determined to be your mom”

    “Read fanfics about people”

    “He needs to go follow someone around.”

    “I know where you live”
    “I’m kinda offended because I was there too”

    “The sister vibe at night is strong”

    “Who’s jo again?”

    Jojobow compilation
    “Find me a jojobow a jowjowbow a jojobow I want a jowjobow everyone wants a jojobow”
    “joJOJjobOws JOJOBOOOOOOOOOWWWWS jojothebowbowjowjowbow”
    “I’m buying jojowbowz connnnror I’m buying jojobowz”
    “David do you want a jojobow, jowjowbow”
    “Everyonewantsa jojobwo”
    “Connor can you wear a jojojwbow david can you wear a jowwjowbow”
    “I’m gonna wear a jowjowbow on monday”
    “Connor do you want a JowJowbwow”
    “We should all buy jowbjowbows if I buy a jowjojwbow will you wear it david”
    “Jowjowwiththebowbow Jowjowwiththebowbow”

    To be continued…


    Connor out of context
    Connor: “I have online friend, I know all his friends, all his friends know me as his kid, he scams
    people for money, his friends steal credit cards… it’s fun.”


    “Ree hee hee ha”

    JEffrey out of context
    “I’m gonna be Jeff bezos”
    “I’m gonna take machine guns and shoot the police in my house”
    “Genocide on the joows”
    “I identify as attack helicopter”
    “I’m gonna take a gun and shoot you”
    “Ya know if you were willing to eat dog food I’d be willing to kill my dog and replace him with you”
    War veteran cries because some kids talked about kills in COD Jeffrey: Oh it’s so smiling saad laughing that’s depressing Me: then why are you smiling Jeffrey: smiles harder

  • dec. 18 2022 @ 8:02 pm# 20
    bill c-11 might turn youtube to shit

  • dec. 18 2022 @ 8:01 pm# 19

  • dec. 18 2022 @ 10:41 am# 17
    my w key stopped working

  • dec. 17 2022 @ 5:48 pm# 16
    one time, i ate a bagel

  • dec. 13 2022 @ 8:12 pm# 15
    i generally hate statically typed langs but somehow i can make do with typescript

  • dec. 12 2022 @ 11:11 am# 14
    i thought the word "away" had been 5 letters long for literally my entire life up to now 💀

  • dec. 9 2022 @ 3:26 pm# 13
    todo - 1000+ unread emails by 2023

  • dec. 5 2022 @ 12:44 am# 12
    dont worry i have it all under control


  • dec. 3 2022 @ 1:02 pm# 11
    thing is, the 5 hours that span the time interval between 10:00pm and 3:00am is equivalent to the 5 hours or so of total class time you get throughout the week to work on a research project, more or less

  • dec. 2 2022 @ 11:59 pm# 10
    i wonder what i should add next

  • nov. 29 2022 @ 11:12 pm# 9
    here's a poem about rain
    [[[ the ground ]]]

    stolen from bill wurtz

  • nov. 29 2022 @ 12:01 pm# 8
    the more apples you eat, the less apples

  • nov. 29 2022 @ 12:10 am# 7
    ok this parser is better

  • nov. 28 2022 @ 6:34 pm# 6
    this markdown parser is shit lol

  • nov. 27 2022 @ 11:41 am# 4
    a: i didnt steal the painting
    b: a is lying
    c: b is lying
    d: b stole the painting

    if a is telling the truth:
    - would fit b saying that a is lying
    - d would then also be lying saying that b stole the painting
    - c would be lying that b stole the painting
    - c or d stole the painting
    - ...

    if b is telling the truth:
    - a would be lying by saying he didn't steal the painting
    - would fit c saying that b is lying because b is telling the truth
    - would fit d saying that b stole the painting because b is telling the truth
    - b's testimony would add up by accusing a of stealing the painting
    - it's probably this

  • nov. 26 2022 @ 6:52 pm# 2
    this website has backend now so ig that technically makes me a full stack dev, albeit not a very good one 👌

  • nov. 25 2022 @ 10:29 pm# 1
    hi mom
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